Friday, 15 July 2011

Libraries, bats and twitter.

Okay so I am a bit of a Luddite. I have only just joined twitter, for so long I just didn't see the point, still not sure I see the point, but for what it is worth I have finally joined the twittterverse, with some guidance from the ever helpful Bell, who also had a select  number of tweets for me to start following, including Neil Gaiman which is how I stumbled upon this little nugget: "Librarian bats", originally a blog/twitter post by Jo_EQ  and re-posted by Neil Gaiman.  Jo writes about how bats co-habit two of Portugal's oldest and most famous libraries, in the University of Coimbra and the palace of Mafra. An interesting story about co-existence and eco pest control.  A cool story given the unpopularity of bats and especially flying foxes or fruit bats where I live.  We are currently experiencing another outbreak of Hendra virus, a terrifying disease, rare but with a high fatality rate for both horses and humans, which has resulted in hysterical calls to cull our native bat populations, not a rational, practical, or humane response.

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